Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ubin Outing (230509)

It was a Saturday morning and the mentors and mentee of WCC project Youth Inn reached Changi Point Jetty at 945am.Then we take a bumboat to Ubin and we had a great fun and also the journey to Ubin by Bumboat is not that long around 15 - 20 mins. All of them reached Ubin but its time to get our bikes....And it was $5 for whole day rental!!!

Our bicycles

After getting out bikes, the group head for Chek Jawa which is a marine coastal and it is conserve and protected by the authorities. At that point of time, it was high tide and we don't get to see all those marine creatures....Awwwwwww!!!!!!

Some pics taken at Chek Jawa....

There was a tower at the other side of Chek Jawa.It was high and I went up of the viewing tower but I only managed to cilmb up at the third level not till the top cos I am so scared.

Viewing tower @ Chek Jawa

So that's all for now......Stay tune for Part 2 Ubin Outing

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